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Ponti and Ginori
At Museo Marino Marini “Gio Ponti e la Richard Ginori: una corrispondenza inedita” presents a selection of ceramics and letters by Gio Ponti taken from the Doccia Museum.
On Friday June 13, the Marino Marini Museum will host the opening of “Gio Ponti and Richard Ginori: a unique correspondence”,curated by Livia Frescobaldi Malenchini, Oliva Rucellai and Alberto Salvadori.
“Gio Ponti and Richard Ginori: a unique correspondence” presents a select group of about 50 lesser-known pieces taken from the Doccia Museum’s vast collection of ceramics by Gio Ponti, and a selection of over 30 letters written by the architect/designer – most of which have never been seen before – from the Doccia Factory archives, including sketches, drawings and manufacturing instructions
Left: Portrait of Gio Ponti in front of the ceramics Richard Ginori created for a bar presented on “Domus” in 1931. Right: letter from September 21, 1927 containing colored sketch with variants and written directions for an inkwell or an ashtray with figure of "Messsaggero", mm 280x215
The letters mark a new starting-point for exploring Gio Ponti's work methods and his relationship with Richard Ginori, which was characterised by a constant quest for innovative ideas and products. At the same time, they offer an opportunity to reflect on Italian creativity, of which Ponti was one of the greatest representatives worldwide. The works presented in the exhibition emphasise the close connection between the idea and the product itself, displaying the original design or sketch beside the object actually produced in Doccia. Many of the ceramics on display were not produced serially; some are unique pieces from the Richard Ginori Museum's prized collection. The exhibition has been intentionally kept small, but includes well-defined, specific sections: from idea to product; special commissions; communication; and the role of exhibitions.
from June 14 until July 21, 2014 Gio Ponti e la Richard Ginori: una corrispondenza inedita
curated by Livia Frescobaldi Malenchini, Oliva Rucellai, Alberto Salvadori Museo Marino Marini
Piazza San Pancrazio, Firenze