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Metaproject 03
On the third edition of the Metaproject course, students from the RIT School of Design create a collection of wooden toys for Areaware that explores the concept of “universal toy”.
During the 2013 edition of New York's International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), RIT – School of Design students partnered with accessories manufacturer Areaware, in the third edition of the Metaproject course. Students explored the properties of wood, using it as a primary material in the design of a series of toys that explored the concept of "universal toy". Selecting and researching a specific object typology in the domestic sphere and a specific cultural/situational context, each student responded with an inventive proposal.
Top: David Buchanan, Lumbersaurs, 2013. Above: James M. Paulius, Blockitecture, 2013
Students designed and produced a high-quality functional prototype, using on and off-campus resources. The prototypes have been judged by Areaware for suitability for commercialisation.