The fantastic response to the open call now presents the selection committee — comprising of Paola Antonelli (Curator, MoMA NY), Enrico Bassi (FabLab Torino), Massimo Banzi (Creator of Arduino; FabLab Torino), Joseph Grima (Editor-in-chief, Domus) and Clemens Weisshaar (Designer, KramWeisshaar) — with the tough task of narrowing their selection down to 2-3% of the proposals received. The selection committee will meet in the coming days, and selected projects will be announced early next week.
During the Salone del Mobile, Autoprogettazione 2.0 will see several projects (between 5-10) fabricated and displayed in a temporary FabLab set up inside the prestigious Palazzo Clerici, which will host the Domus event in Milan during the FuoriSalone.
The selected designs will also be published in Domus and made available for download on our website, in acknowledgement of the project's open-source philosophy.
Above, an image of Dirk Vander Kooij's Endless furniture line fabrication. Photo by Niccolò Morgan Gandolfi.