Europan 11 Austria's winners

The proposal of Dreiecksplatz wins the unanimously voted First Prize for Europan 11 in Vienna, Austria. No runner-ups or honorable mentions were selected for this site.

"The project gives to the city and the site owner a promising spatial concept which is "robust" enough to be adapted in phases and its respective parts by multiple authors. The quality of the project is the striking simplicity of the idea of the triangular space which is both public space and organizing principle ; it succeeds in linking both sides of the railway without elaborate engineering. The idea to group three different "landscapes" of housing around this square must be followed because it is their very differences, that ensures a "malleable richness" for the future development. The way how the project deals with the level crossing could trigger new ways of integrating infrastructure in the local tissue: conflict points between different sorts of mobility systems are crucial nowadays. The quality of the winning project is exactly to make a proposition of how to "de-instrumentalize" the usual spatial regulations. Regarding the benefits of a successful integration the city planning department should explore this innovative concept, finding ways to negotiate its implementation. In this way the project would become a pilot, contributing to necessary transformations of existing planning regulations."
Dreiecksplatz, the winning entry of <i>Europan 11 Austria</i> by Artur Borejszo, Leena Cho, Jason Hilgefort and Andreas Karavanas
Dreiecksplatz, the winning entry of Europan 11 Austria by Artur Borejszo, Leena Cho, Jason Hilgefort and Andreas Karavanas
Located between the Vienna Ring and Vienna Woods, the site embraces the marks of both environment – urban and nature – as a basis for future development. Currently surrounded by houses with a large amount of private green space, what is needed in the site is a generous, quality public space that will invite and sustain diverse groups of community to gather, live and work by. Major forms of transit – bus, tram and bicycle – anchor three corners of the triangle-shaped plaza with an integrated train platform in the middle. Various residential, commercial and social programs both frame and spill out toward the public triangle and support its liveliness. Green space is maximized at all different scales, fostering health, education and social interactions, while each kind of nature – from 'wild woods' to herb garden – defines the atmosphere of individual housing zone.

Europan 11 Austria's exhibition opening and prize ceremony will be held at the Tobacco Factory Linz 24.1.2012, 7.00 pm.
Dreiecksplatz, the winning entry of <i>Europan 11 Austria</i> by Artur Borejszo, Leena Cho, Jason Hilgefort and Andreas Karavanas
Dreiecksplatz, the winning entry of Europan 11 Austria by Artur Borejszo, Leena Cho, Jason Hilgefort and Andreas Karavanas
The project gives to the city and the site owner a promising spatial concept which is "robust" enough to be adapted in phases and its respective parts by multiple authors. The quality of the project is the striking simplicity of the idea of the triangular space which is both public space and organizing principle ; it succeeds in linking both sides of the railway without elaborate engineering. The idea to group three different "landscapes" of housing around this square must be followed because it is their very differences, that ensures a "malleable richness" for the future development. The way how the project deals with the level crossing could trigger new ways of integrating infrastructure in the local tissue: conflict points between different sorts of mobility systems are crucial nowadays. The quality of the winning project is exactly to make a proposition of how to „de-instrumentalize" the usual spatial regulations. Regarding the benefits of a successful integration the city planning department should explore this innovative concept, finding ways to negotiate its implementation. In this way the project would become a pilot, contributing to necessary transformations of existing planning regulations. Concerning the proposed types of housing the jury appreciates their variety. The fact that the architectural development is open to adaptation when it comes to density, the question of limits, and typological elaboration demonstrates its quality (excerpt & paraphrase of the jury minutes).
Dreiecksplatz, the winning entry of <i>Europan 11 Austria</i> by Artur Borejszo, Leena Cho, Jason Hilgefort and Andreas Karavanas
Dreiecksplatz, the winning entry of Europan 11 Austria by Artur Borejszo, Leena Cho, Jason Hilgefort and Andreas Karavanas
Artur Borejszo (POL) architect/ Rotterdam
Leena Cho (US) landscape architect, Jason Hilgefort (US) architect urbanist, Andreas Karavanas (GR) architect urbanist

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