EXD'11: Action for Age

12 design solutions to improve the quality of life of the elderly, based on building intergenerational relationships.

This creative lab operating simultaneously in Lisbon and London challenged senior college students and recent graduates to design solutions that would contribute to improving the quality of life of the elderly, based on building intergenerational relationships. Given the widespread phenomenon of the aging population, Action for Age addresses the challenges and opportunities for interaction as a means of fostering social cohesion, reciprocity, and transversal involvement, affecting the elderly. Action for Age launched a national idea contest in October of 2010.

EXD'11 now presents, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the outputs of the 12 projects selected by the jury among the entries from 22 Portuguese schools. The exhibition will engage viewers in a journey through the entire work process, which was develop throughout a 12-month mentoring programme assisted by the Action for Age coordinators. The opening is marked by the projection of the documentary directed by Rui Simões, which has followed closely the unfolding of the work process, preceded by a brief introductory conference. The goal is to assess the current status of the projects, where there future design professionals dealt with the many phases of project development, such as design, budgeting, management or monitoring of the implementation. An educational and formative approach to the design process, from the reflection around the original brief to the implementation stage, with all its inherent challenges.

Action for Age involves a total of 45 students from 5 teaching institutions (IPVC, UA, ESAD CR, FBAUL) that developed the work in five different locations: Viana do Castelo, Vale do Cávado, Aveiro, Caldas da Rainha, Lisbon. The exhibition of the outcomes also opens up new possibilities for other partners to join and support the continuity of these projects. A demonstration of design's potential as a driving force for social innovation, mediating efforts and strengthening ties between institutions, stakeholders and users on the ground.

Above: COR by Carolina Gaspar, Beatriz Lacerda, Rui Ramos, Joana Ramos, Joana Carvalho, Joel Araújo (Aveiro University with Aveiro University, Aveiro City Hall, Vera Cruz parish Council, Os Vicentinos). Top: Saber à la Carte by Mariana Novo, Joana Cunha and Joana Caçador (IPVC | College of Technology and Management with IPVC | College of Technology and Management; SAS IPVC).

Simple Phone by Jaime Martins, Carolina Sousa and Samuel Cordeiro (College of Art and Design of Caldas da Rainha with the Senior University of Benedita, Montepio D. Leonor Home for the Elderly) creates an application that encourages communication between generations, allowing simplified sharing and management of contacts, for people who have difficulties dealing with complex interfaces. After selecting a contact, the interface is redirected to Skype and a call is initiated.

Chat Analógico by Daniela Gapo, Melissa Borges and Samuel Lemos (College of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo with the College of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo; Our Lady of Charity Home for the Elderly).

T(h)ree Generation by Bruno Mendes, Daniela Mata, Josiana Vieira, Raquel Agostinho (College of Art and Design of Caldas da Rainha with Óbidos City Hall) explores the idea of the tree as an inhabited element and enhancer of intergenerational relationships, knowing that its typical function of "umbrella" often unites people from the same family as well as strangers, thus creating a kind of community. The goal is to create a structure that promotes intergenerational relationships from the idea of "inhabited" tree. The structure is composed by platforms at several levels, providing sensations and different experiences with various purposes.

Raízes by João Alves, João Carvalho, Inês Maia, Sérgio de Carvalho, Diogo Louro and Joel Torre (Aveiro University).

Beconnected by José Pinto, Sara Silva and Rita Slva (Politechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave with Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Barcelos), is a product of a simple system that allows young people to obtain knowledge and information based on the experiences of each elderly (and vice versa), in an affective approach valued by the elderly. The goal is to promote contact between young and old, contributing to the improvement of their quality of life and generating transversal wellbeing in society.

Oficina dos Mestres by Fátima Cerqueira, José Cruz and Luís Viana (Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo with Atelier of Arts and Crafts of António Peres and Albino Amorim, APPACDM and Monserrate High school).

Establishing a team integrating recent graduates, young designers, as well as technical-professionals and craftsmen of old age, Oficina dos Mestres by Fátima Cerqueira, José Cruz and Luís Viana (Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo with Atelier of Arts and Crafts of António Peres and Albino Amorim, APPACDM and Monserrate High school) has the mission to promote learning and knowledge exchange; generate employment; fight loneliness and isolation among older people; create innovative products; maintain the traditions of craft production; create better work conditions in artisans' workshops; marketing the products.

Com Amor se Paga by David Santos, Diana Hasse, Francisco Bairrão, Joana Santos, Margarida Mouta, Pedro Santos and Sandra Saraiva (Aveiro University with Vera Cruz Parish Council, Black Market – Cultural Association, Professional School of Aveiro, Community Vegetable Garden).

COR by Carolina Gaspar, Beatriz Lacerda, Rui Ramos, Joana Ramos, Joana Carvalho, Joel Araújo (Aveiro University with Aveiro University, Aveiro City Hall, Vera Cruz parish Council, Os Vicentinos). This project aims to promote the development of new projects and community initiatives, giving a new life to abandoned spaces. In this way, the flow of people and new dynamics for the neighborhood is promoted, generating opportunities of interaction and gratifying activities for the older and lonelier residents. The goal is to revitalize the neighborhood by conjugating the experience of the elderly with the energy of youth, thus maintaining traditions, creating new relationships and reinforcing those that already exist, and reviving the community spirit.

Com Amor se Paga by David Santos, Diana Hasse, Francisco Bairrão, Joana Santos, Margarida Mouta, Pedro Santos and Sandra Saraiva (Aveiro University with Vera Cruz Parish Council, Black Market – Cultural Association, Professional School of Aveiro, Community Vegetable Garden).

Chat Analógico by Daniela Gapo, Melissa Borges and Samuel Lemos (College of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo with the College of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo; Our Lady of Charity Home for the Elderly). Creating an "analogical" social network that promotes proximity and inclusion by means of written communication. Using tools common to a broad spectrum of people of different ages — writing, pen and paper — to build a bridge between generations apart, establishing a subtle connection that does not significantly affect individual context. The goal is to enhance knowledge experience of the elderly and see them as people available to talk, which can provide the unique experience of entering a "time machine," foreseeing the future through the past. To retrieve values from the writing discipline, such as the appreciation of the uniqueness of the person to whom one writes; and to promote the cognitive exercise inherent in the writing process: the articulation of ideas; the draft; the practice of the Portuguese language without abbreviations or tampering.

Experimenta Cultivar by Joana Nunes and Pedro Menezes (Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon with Alfornelos Elementary School; Alfornelos Parish and Social Center; Alfornelos Parish Council).

Raízes by João Alves, João Carvalho, Inês Maia, Sérgio de Carvalho, Diogo Louro and Joel Torre (Aveiro University). To evoke a sense of belonging and create bonds with the place. The Baixa de Sto. António Park is a place with a low utilization rate. A wide range of initiatives is expected to attract visitors to this park, such as cultural events, thematic days, educational activities and interactions with nature. The support from municipal and cultural institutions is of great value to this project. The goal is to create habits that take root, initiating traditions. The purpose is to narrow the relationship between local inhabitants and the park, creating in the community a sense of ownership. This way, healthy routines are created, involving families and promoting intergenerationality and quality of life.

Raízes by João Alves, João Carvalho, Inês Maia, Sérgio de Carvalho, Diogo Louro and Joel Torre (Aveiro University).

Com Amor se Paga by David Santos, Diana Hasse, Francisco Bairrão, Joana Santos, Margarida Mouta, Pedro Santos and Sandra Saraiva (Aveiro University with Vera Cruz Parish Council, Black Market – Cultural Association, Professional School of Aveiro, Community Vegetable Garden). Exchanging and sharing products and traditional knowledge, with the possibility of integrating new ideas. The purpose is to create a map of free access profiles, allowing the general public to take advantage of the knowledge and wisdom of the elderly. In this way, intergenerational bridges are established, so that traditional wisdom, allied to ideas and creative contributes from the youngest, are able to generate more products.

Simple Phone by Jaime Martins, Carolina Sousa and Samuel Cordeiro (College of Art and Design of Caldas da Rainha with the Senior University of Benedita, Montepio D. Leonor Home for the Elderly).

Experimenta Cultivar by Joana Nunes and Pedro Menezes (Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon with Alfornelos Elementary School; Alfornelos Parish and Social Center; Alfornelos Parish Council). Growing vegetable gardens at the school with the collaboration of students and elderly members of the surrounding community. The interaction between the project's participants (students, teachers staff and the elderly) is encouraged in order to develop their social and cultural aptitude through the transmission of values, knowledge and traditions. In addition to activities related to the vegetable garden, sporadic actions such as lunch gatherings, workshops and exhibitions are promoted, generating a wider receptivity from the school towards the community. The goal is to achieve a sustainable project able to adapt to different communities. Through the meeting routine, we expect participants to create bonds of friendship and mutual learning, exploring interpersonal relationships that may lead them to a healthier lifestyle that values nature.

Beconnected by José Pinto, Sara Silva and Rita Slva (Politechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave with Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Barcelos).

Saber à la Carte by Mariana Novo, Joana Cunha and Joana Caçador (IPVC | College of Technology and Management with IPVC | College of Technology and Management; SAS IPVC). Cooking classes for university students where they learn to cook practical everyday recipes with the elderly, in a familiar and welcoming environment. The aim is to foster both a feeling of integration for learners and an increased self-esteem and feeling of usefulness for their trainers. The overall aim is to nurture relationships of affection and rapport between the generations involved (university community and seniors) through cooperation and exchange of knowledge within the culinary scope. Similarly, the interaction between youth and seniors is promoted, breaking prejudices and stimulating a new and reciprocal appreciation.

Vianna Cubo by Jorge Passos, Marlene Sá, Sara Vaz (IPVC, College of Technology and Management with Viana Festas). Extending the spirit of the event of the procession of the Lady of Agony, where it is possible to observe a clearly positive and rewarding interaction between young and old. To this end, the team proposes to establish a space for socializing and networking between the elderly— knowledgeable and experienced—, and the inhabitants of Viana interested in rediscovering their cultural values. The project aims to develop different activities involving several generations in a comprehensive and inclusive perspective. By creating a hub in an emblematic area of the city, the elderly population has access to a number of leisure and entertainment options usually far removed from their routine. The interaction between generations and the sharing of knowledge, in addition to the motivational effect on its players, reinforces local traditions within Viana do Castelo and between its inhabitants.

until 27 November
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Av. de Berna 45A