Kathleen Reilly to design new experimental cutlery for Steinbesser’s culinary event

Scottish silversmithing graduate Kathleen Reilly is one of the new protagonists of the latest experimental gastronomy event by Dutch collective Steinbeisser.

Kathleen Reilly, a Scottish silversmithing graduate from the Glasgow School of Art, has been called by Dutch collective Steinbeisser to create twenty new dining works to be used on their latest experimental gastronomy event in Amsterdam. Steinbesser brings together starred Michelin chefs with artists and designer for immersive dining experiences worldwide.

Img.1 Kathleen Reilly, cutlery for Steinbesser, 2017
Img.2 Kathleen Reilly, cutlery for Steinbesser, 2017
Img.3 Kathleen Reilly, cutlery for Steinbesser, 2017
Img.4 Kathleen Reilly, cutlery for Steinbesser, 2017
Img.5 Kathleen Reilly, cutlery for Steinbesser, 2017
Img.6 Kathleen Reilly, cutlery for Steinbesser, 2017
Img.7 Kathleen Reilly, cutlery for Steinbesser, 2017

The series represents her vision for curiosity and play when eating. Looking at common anecdotes centred around table manners, she tries to alter habits with plates that balance on bottles and glass, encouraging new movements and interactions. Her collection is made by using many traditional silversmithing techniques such a forging, fold forming and riveting, along with the new processes of powder-coating woodworking and dip silver-plating. Materials include a variety of metals, removable glass objects with details of ribbon, rubber and screws.

Kathleen Reilly, cutlery for Steinbesser, 2017

Il rifugio è stato costruito con legno riciclato proveniente da vecchie case demolite nella zona, in un’ottica sostenibile vista la crescente deforestazione nel Sud-Est asiatico. Il progetto del tetto utilizza sistemi costruttivi locali, massimizzando l’utilizzo di materiali reperiti in loco. Il tetto delle case e il bagno sono composti da un primo rivestimento di aluzinc fissato a una struttura resistente alla pioggia; da un secondo strato intermedio di tronchi di eucalipto installati verticalmente per favorire la ventilazione e uno strato esterno di foglie di canna da zucchero prese da un raccolto vicino al lotto del progetto.

  • Kathleen Reilly
  • Steinbesser 2017