Over the years Marco Piffari has documented with a series of photos the phenomenon of acqua alta in Venice from a point of view that would be collateral in any other city. That of the tourists, who last year in the Venetian capital were about 19 millions. “These events are considered as an attraction by tourists who often underestimate the critical issues they face”, explains Piffari, honourable mention of the International Photography Awards 2019, finalist for the Miami Street Photo Festival 2017 Akkwa Alta collection, which takes its name from the pronunciation of “high tide” according to the international phonetic alphabet. What emerges, the author explains, are “grotesque details, galoshes that become fashionable garments, people who find themselves isolated and others who instead try to isolate themselves after hours of forced cohabitation crowded on a bridge”. And almost always high water is not even visible.
The grotesque side of tourism in Venice
A series of photographs tells the story of the relationship between the phenomenon of high water and the millions of tourists who visit Venice.
