It is easy to imagine that hot air rises but it is always a surprise to feel the draught created and rising up by expansion. It is such a simple, pleasant and natural effect that it makes one think that it is possible to enjoy all the marvels of nature without imposing presumptuous acts of force that prove to be expensive and inefficient.
This is a nine-metre-tall chimney, a wind-tower, an unusual smokestack built to house four pieces in terracotta by Enzo Cucchi held up by metal brackets. Its lower section is conical, and the upper part is cylindrical. It creates a portico of three columns pointed at the base. It is not a conventional space. It is not even clear if it is open or closed, whether it exposes or protects. It is a space for reflection, a space containing artwork that stimulates in-depth thinking, a seeking of the meaning of our existence, our permanence and our temporality.

2 April – 12 September 2016
Arch and Art
a project by Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
realized and curated by Domus
in collaboration with La Triennale
Curated by: Nicola Di Battista
Set design: Centro Studi Domus con Marco Diana
Graphic design: Giuseppe Basile
Structures: Milan Ingegneria
Contractor: Botta SpA
Architect: Michele De Lucchi
Architect in charge: Davide Angeli
Team: Federica Cevasco, Matteo Di Ciommo, Greta Rosset
Conceptual model: Michele De Lucchi
Lighting: Artemide Spa, Proiettori Tycho
Artist: Enzo Cucchi
Cinema, 2013. Ceramic one-off, cm 59x23x23
Mare, 2013. Ceramic one-off, cm 54x32x14
Mais, 2013. Ceramic one-off, cm 50x30x30
Vimini, 2013. Ceramic one-off, cm 50x31x23