Andrea Macruz: Nolii Table

#28 Starting from the undulations of desert dunes and the fractals triangulation, Brasilian architect Andrea Macruz developed her tables on view at SaloneSatellite. #salone2015

Andrea Macruz, Nolii Table
For her Nolii tables Andrea Macruz starts from drawings based on the undulations of desert dunes and on fractals triangulation.
These carvings were made by a CNC in a 3cm mdf board, generating a visual continuum around its sides and top as if it were a folded piece. It proposes the interaction between its users and its parts: there is no right way for the objects to be placed on it. Therefore, the tabletop allow a play in the use or not of a whole glass top or parts following its curves and triangles.


Nolii Tables
Design: Andrea Macruz

14–19 April 2015
Salone del Mobile 2015
Fiera di Rho

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