The acustic panels made to replicate Frank Lloyd Wright interiors

Between acoustic engineering and movie memorabilia, the Soundwave© Ennis are an homage to the famous concrete block pattern designed by the great american architect.

Who knows what Walter Benjamin would say about these Soundwave© Ennis acustic panels. It’s very likely that, since his The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction is almost a century old (1936), he would just shrug. In other words: “Do you really think I would criticise them?”. He is not to blame at all. In fact, after we surrounded ourselves with posters, bookmarks and blankets which sported pictures of Picasso and Monet masterpieces, why taking a stand against a fake Frank Lloyd Wright™‘s concrete block? Even more so if behind its concept there is no willing of creating a gadget (well, maybe accidentally, but more of this later on), but rather something that into the world of the soundproofing accessories – highly technological but somewhat impersonal – is a lovely new decorative newcomer. As in an acustic panel as shaped exactly as the concrete blocks designed by Wright for many of his famous residential projects.

Img.1 Soundwave© Ennis, acoustic panel, Frank Lloyd Wright™, Offecct
Img.2 Soundwave© Ennis, acoustic panel, Frank Lloyd Wright™, Offecct
Img.3 Soundwave© Ennis, acoustic panel, Frank Lloyd Wright™, Offecct
Img.4 Soundwave© Ennis, acoustic panel, Frank Lloyd Wright™, Offecct
Img.5 Soundwave© Ennis, acoustic panel, Frank Lloyd Wright™, Offecct
Img.6 Soundwave© Ennis, acoustic panel, Frank Lloyd Wright™, Offecct
Img.7 Soundwave© Ennis, acoustic panel, Frank Lloyd Wright™, Offecct
Img.8 Soundwave© Ennis, acoustic panel, Frank Lloyd Wright™, Offecct
Img.9 Architect Frank Lloyd Wright

Specifically the ones used, because is the last one standing where these blocks could be admired, for the Ennis House, located over Los Angeles hills. Made in recyclable polyester by Swedish brand Offecct in collaboration with Wright Foundation, these blocks will turn all the architects very happy, as well as – resuming the gadget theme from above – the movie memorabilia collectors. The Wright’s mesmerizing pattern is not just a pattern known by architects and design buffs, it’s also a pattern made ultra famous by many films. Among them, a little "obscure" one called Blade Runner (1982), shot in part at the Ennis House. Pretty much clear, right? Now that Soundwave© Ennis are available to purchase: if the movie memorabilia collector will not come to Ennis House, then Ennis House will must go to the movie memorabilia collector.

  • Soundwave© Ennis
  • Offecct
  • Frank Lloyd Wright™
  • Moulded recycled polyester
  • 585x585x600 mm