Apple's free art sessions for The Big Draw Festival

For the freehand drawing festival, Apple Stores around the world will host free courses in art, color, and visual education. 

The Big Draw festival is probably the most important drawing festival in the world. After last year's pilot experience, this year Apple celebrates the event in all its stores, with over 4500 free sessions integrated into the Today at Apple program, special guests who will partecipate in selected cities, such as London, Hong Kong, Dubai, Los Angeles and Milan.

At the store in Milano Piazza Liberty we attended the “Tour Art: A dive into color” session, an interesting creative combination of photographic exploration and freehand drawing which was also an opportunity to try Fresco, the new Adobe application designed for illustrators. This, like all future sessions in the stores, was held on the iPad, with the obvious help of Apple Pencil. It is also an excellent opportunity to learn about the potential of iPadOS, Cupertino's new tablet operating system, which features a home with more information, new multitasking modes, a Safari browser experience closer to the desktop and other solutions aimed at bringing tablet productivity closer to that of MacOS, such as compatibility with external memories and the use of a mouse when necessary. Apple recently introduced the iPad generation week, the first with iPadOS pre-installed, a great entry level for anyone with a passion for drawing or creative ambitions. The new iPad can also be tried in the Apple stores.

As already mentioned in Apple Piazza Liberty, in addition to the basic programming sessions, there will be some special Art Labs held by Italian illustrators: Viva La Linea! with Tonin and Cavandoli (October 5), Una giornata nel futuro with Michele Marconi (October 9), Creatività nei limiti with Giacomo Gambineri (October 12) and La magia del viaggio with Marianna Tomaselli (October 16). All the information on the Today at Apple page.