Paris without tourists, cinema goes on water (with social distancing)

Taking advantage of the lack of tourists, the Parisian Town Hall rents small boats on the Canal de l’Ourcq for an innovative “drive-in” cinema.

Despite the absence of the majority of international tourists, the Canal de l’Ourcq, a navigable canal in the Parisian basin, will innovatively use the characteristic red and white boats of next month as seats for a floating cinema evening in the nearby basin of the Canal de la Villette.

On the occasion of the annual reopening of Paris Plages – a summer initiative of the Paris City Hall which has been hosting leisure and sporting activities on the banks of the Seine and Bassin de la Villette since 2002 – on 18 July the city will welcome 150 local residents on 38 small boats for its first edition of Cinéma sur l’Eau. As a first screening, the project’s curators, in partnership with the small MK2 cinema chain, have chosen Gilles Lellouche’s 2018 film Le Grand Bain, a story of seven adult men who meet together in a synchronised swimming team.

Opening image: photo Le Cinéma sur l'Eau