Matheus Rocha

At the Alberto Peola Gallery in Turin, Brazilian artist Matheus Rocha Pitta presents a selection of his work: reinforced concrete paving stones that frame fragments and memories.

Alberto Peola Gallery in Turin presents “Take Care. Exercises in attention with six lajes and one stele by Matheus Rocha Pitta”, an exhibition conceived together with the Brazilian artist, that displays a massive stele and six lajes – paving stones made of reinforced concrete whose surface incorporates clippings and collages.

Top: Matheus Rocha Pitta, 75#(first stone), concrete and paper, 2016. Above: Matheus Rocha Pitta, Stele #19 (for the winners the potatoes), concrete, paper, potatoes, 2016

Rocha Pitta draws from his personal archive made of paper clippings with images taken from newspapers and magazines and stored over the years, and constructs stories, memories and scenarios, both present and past, often connected with Brazil. He denounces various forms of authoritarianism, misinformation, exploitation and injustice, wich he complements with a profound, humane sympathy for the vanquished.

Left: Matheus Rocha Pitta, 74#(gestande), 2016. Right: Matheus Rocha Pitta, # 72 (fourteenth assault), paper and cement 2016

L’artista, cresciuto con un padre e fratello artisti e una formazione da filosofo, ha eletto la strada come proprio spazio mentale di lavoro, usando materiali comuni e a portata di mano quali cibo, acqua, sassi, terra, giornali e cemento, veicolando una scelta politica. Le lajes, come le stele, sono superfici ricettive che custodiscono tracce: le pieghe del cartone, i rilievi e le impronte di frammenti e offetti, le immagini di cronaca sottratte al rapido consumo.

“Take Care. Exercises in attention with six lajes and one stele by Matheus Rocha Pitta”, installation view at Alberto Peola Gallery, 2017

until 16 September 2017
Matheus Rocha Pitta. Take care
curated by Francesca Comisso and Luisa Perlo, in collaboration with Sara Stoisa
Galleria Alberto Peola
via della Rocca, Turin