Kader Attia at the MMK

Reappropriation and repair: these the main themes of “Sacrifice and Harmony”, Kader Attia’s solo exhibition at the MMK in Frankfurt am Main.

The MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main devotes a comprehensive solo exhibition to Kader Attia, born 1970 and considered one of the most influential artists of his generation ever since his presentation at the last Documenta.

Top: Kader Attia, Untitled (Sacred), 2016. Above: Kader Attia, Untitled (Sacred), © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016, Courtesy Kader Attia and Galeria Continua. Photo: MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst / Axel Schneider

In his works, Attia concerns himself with the concept of “repair”, which he has been exploring for many years. The artist distinguishes between two approaches to repair: the patched artefacts of ethnological collections openly show their seams and clamps and thus the history of the object. This ostentatious, traditional form of repair does not conceal but rather reveals the different stages of development inherent to the object, and thus the ideologies of the past and present. The Western conception of repair, on the other hand, pursues an ideal of perfection by striving for the flawless re-creation of the original state. In the consumer society cycle, defective objects are disposed of and replaced by new ones. The repair itself remains invisible, amounting to an obliteration of history.

Kader Attia, Snails, 2009 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016, Courtesy Kader Attia and Galerie Krinzinger. Photo: MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst / Axel Schneider

The artist applies these two concepts to widely differing fields of knowledge and technologies and denies them unilateral cultural classification by pointing out comparable phenomena in various cultural spheres. His interest is not with a reconciliation of cultural differences but with the keener perception of pluralities. “In his artistic investigations he combines phenomena of different eras and cultures in a broad panorama that enables him to illuminate and interpret our present in a new way”, observes the exhibition curator Klaus Görner. “Within the framework of his ongoing examination of the notion of repair, he creates works that lend powerful pictorial expression and complex form to current conflicts.”

Kader Attia, J'Accuse, 2016 (Detail) © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016, Courtesy Kader Attia and Galerie Nagel Draxler. Photo: MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst / Axel Schneider

Attia grew up in Algeria and Paris, and his experiences of two very different cultural milieux form the basis for his artistic practice. “In the exhibition at the MMK, Attia undertakes an impressive and moving investigation of the far-reaching impact of Western cultural hegemony on non-Western cultures against the background of our globalized present”, explains Susanne Gaensheimer, director of the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst.

Left: Kader Attia, Untitled, 2016. Right: Kader Attia, Mirrors and Masks, 2013 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016, Courtesy Kader Attia. Photo: MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst / Axel Schneider

from 16 April to 14 August 2016
Kader Attia: Sacrifice and Harmony
Domstraße 10, Frankfurt am Main