Joan Jonas

MIT List Visual Arts Center presents seven film and single-channel video works by Joan Jonas, in complement to her new work for the U.S. Pavilion at the 2015 Venice Biennale.

Selected from Joan Jonas’s four-decade-long, distinguished career in performance, video, and installation, the works are featured in the intimate exhibition “Joan Jonas: Selected Films and Videos, 1972-2005” in the List’s Bakalar Gallery.

This exhibition provides important background and context for Jonas’ new work on view simultaneously in Venice, and shares with local audiences the pivotal videos and performances that led to the artist’s selection as the U.S. representative for the 2015 Venice Biennale.

The works on view demonstrate the development of her distinctive way of working with performance and video that draws on dance, ritual, and various theatrical traditions. Jonas began to develop her work in relation to the various mediums of mirrors, the distance of landscape, and video the late 1960s, when she was immersed in the post-minimal experiments of New York’s downtown scene.

Top: Joan Jonas, Still from Double Lunar Dogs, 1984 (24:04 min, color, sound) Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY. Above: Joan Jonas, Lines in the Sand, performance at Documenta 11, Kassel, 2002 Photo: Werner Maschmann

The exhibition includes Organic Honey’s Visual Telepathy, 1972 (17:24 min, b&w, sound), Jonas’s first single-screen tape, which combines her investigation of the representation of femininity using masks, mirrors, and other props, with video’s properties of instant playback. For Good Night Good Morning, 1976 (11:38 min, b&w, sound), the artist recorded herself greeting the camera every night and morning over three different periods of time, thus employing the mechanism to chart a mundane ritual that is rendered simultaneously public and private. For Songdelay, 1973 (18:35 min, b&w, sound, 16 mm film on video) Jonas staged a performance on a large empty lot in lower Manhattan with a cast including artists and dancers such as Gordon Matta-Clark and Steve Paxton. The choreographed series of movements, delayed sounds, and various props introduce elements carried forward throughout Jonas’s work. The film Mirage (1976, 31 min, b&w, silent, 16 mm film on video) shows the artist executing a number of signature, enigmatic chalk drawings, and erasing them immediately after.

Joan Jonas, still from Good Night Good Morning, 1976 (11:38 min, b&w, sound) Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY

In the 1980s, Jonas’s work turned towards more narrative forms, inspired by ancient myths, fairy tales, and literature. Using a range of stylized special effects, Double Lunar Dogs, 1984 (24:04 min, color, sound), based on a science fiction story by Robert Heinlein, envisions the inhabitants of a space ship lost in space for generations. Volcano Saga 1989, (28 min, color, sound), originally produced for television broadcast, stages a retelling of an ancient Icelandic saga while bringing its characters and stories into the present. Lines in the Sand (2002- 2005), the final and most recent work in the exhibition, is a documentation of Jonas’s celebrated performance taking inspiration for H.D.’s poem Helen of Egypt, first staged for Documenta 11 in 2002.

Joan Jonas, still from <i>Mirage</i>, 1976 (31 min, b&w, silent, 16 mm film on video) Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY
Joan Jonas, still from <i>Organic Honey’s Visual Telepathy</i>, 1972 (17:24 min, b&w, sound) Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY
Joan Jonas, still from <i>Songdelay</i>, 1973 (18:35 min, b&w, sound, 16 mm film on video) Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY
Joan Jonas, still from <i>Volcano Saga 1989</i>, (28 min, color, sound) Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY

until July 5, 2015
Joan Jonas: Selected Films and Videos, 1972-2005
curated by Henriette Huldisch
Bakalar Gallery
MIT List Visual Arts Center
20 Ames Street, Bldg. E15-109 Cambridge