
Embody is Shani Ha’s response to everyday social interactions and body representations, incarnated through transformative “body sculptures”.

Society is morphing in a very fast pace constantly redefining intimacy, social behaviours and interactions.

Technologies offer a new outer body experience that tends to transform our relationships and eventually disconnect people from others and from themselves.

Shani Ha, Embody

Embody is a response to everyday social interactions and body representations. The series incarnate these shifting social boundaries and representations through transformative “body sculptures”.  These interactive sculptures question the body in its rapport to intimacy and to otherness. They extend the body and become social prosthesis that one can appropriate to create new contexts of proximity.

The inanimate textile sculptures appear like cocoons that protect, hide, transform the body to sculpt and morph its silhouette. The wearer disappears under the weight of the Body Sculpture and merges into enigmatic and absurd living forms. Embody blurs the boundaries between bodies, sculpture and attempts to redefine interactions and social representations. This series of sculpture is the catalysis for photographs, installations and performances.

Shani Ha, Embody
Shani Ha, Embody
Shani Ha, Embody
Shani Ha, Embody
Shani Ha, Embody
Shani Ha, Embody
Shani Ha, Embody
Shani Ha, Embody
Shani Ha, Embody
Shani Ha, Embody