Nordic Impressions

Hungarian designer András Kerékgyártó presented at Salone Satellite 2014 a collection that reflects the time he spent in Finland and the Scandinavian traditional simplicity in design.

Nordic Impressions is a collection of highly functional pieces of furniture, all of which introduces certain improvements, or even fundamentally new features over the currently existing models.

Biela is a molded plywood seat consisting of two identical pieces, coming off from the same mold. The aim was to create a seamless looking seat, similarly to one-piece plywood chairs, but without the possible manufacturing difficulties due to the large size mold. The three dimensional intersection of the two elements allows for a sturdy structure.

András Kerékgyártó, Biela, Nordic Impressions

Hang Out's design contains many small improvements compared to already existing models, such as accomodating the user’s clothing and the upward curving seat pan, which allows for a more ergonomic posture. The bar on which the clothes can be hanged also functions as a handle making it easyer to carry the chair around.

András Kerékgyártó, Hang Out, Nordic Impressions

Grey Field is a family of chairs based on a research into the future of the chair and the chair of the future. An experiment to reposition the chair as an object in order to better accommodate the needs and requirements of today.

Bag Helper is a small and affordable improvement for the daily life, which easens the carrying of plastic bags. Made of solid birch, it's pleasant to touch and more likely to have a long, sustainable life cycle. It's manufacture is reduced to only 4 basic steps.

András Kerékgyártó, Biela, Nordic Impressions
András Kerékgyártó, Biela, Nordic Impressions
András Kerékgyártó, Hang Out, Nordic Impressions
András Kerékgyártó, Grey Field, Nordic Impressions
András Kerékgyártó, Grey Field, Nordic Impressions
András Kerékgyártó, Grey Field, Nordic Impressions
András Kerékgyártó, Bag Helper, Nordic Impressions