Gazing inside, the visitor is drawn into an illusory space in which trees and plants vanish into the distance, an effect obtained by the use of two-way mirrors that create a seemingly infinite forest.
"This voyeuristic experience allows for the viewer’s presence never to interrupt the tableau," state the architects. "The forest remains infinite and trapped inside this solipsist hall of mirrors, while the visitor is confronted with the paradox of being looking inside a box where the contained space is actually larger than its container."

Architects: Meir Lobaton Corona, Ulli Heckmann, Julia Pankofer
Location: 22nd International Garden Festival, Chaumont Sur Loire, France
Duration: April – October 2013
Landscape Consultant: Julia Pankofer
Structure Consultant: Hector Triana
Area: 40 square metres
Sponsors: Saint Gobain, ID Construction