Tomorrow evening, The University of Westminster hosts a celebration of the Supercrit book series along with the launch of its two latest editions. The event is hosted by Katherine Heron and the University of Westminster's Department of Architecture, as Samantha Hardingham and Kester Rattenbury's publication — which looks to revisit and re-consider the impact of a selection of the most influential architectural projects of the recent past — takes centre stage.

Supercrit #3 focuses on Renzo Piano & Richard Rogers' six-year Pompidou Centre project, a building which now exists amongst the most revered modern buildings to grace Paris' varied and compelling cityscape. The book takes the novel approach of being based upon live studio debates between protagonists and critics, inviting the reader to enter the debate rather than merely presenting a record of it.

Attention shifts to the 19th arrondissement for Supercrit #4 as Bernard Tschumi's Parc de la Villette comes under the microscope. Another modernist addition to the Paris' smorgasbord of architectural landmarks, but one that offers a vastly different conceptual outlook, Tschumi's Parc offers the opportunity in this Supercrit issue to delve into the contrasting challenge of planning and realising an outdoor public space.

Launch: Supercrit #3 and #4
The University of Westminster
309 Regent Street, London
6 March 2012, 18:30
A drinks reception will follow the launch of the two issues