A meeting with the protagonists of “Domus at Planetario”

A brief biography of Michele De Lucchi and Massimo Recalcati, two of the scene-stealers in the event at the Milan Planetarium on 16 April at 10 p.m.

On April 16th at 10pm, at the Planetario di Milano, the director of Domus will talk about Silence and Emptiness (themes of the April 2018 issue) with Massimo Recalcati and Fabio Peri, director scientific of the Milanese planetarium. 

Massimo Recalcati (1959) is a well-known psychoanalyst, academic and Italian essayist. His technical work on psychoanalysis examines a number of fundamental themes, such as contemporary psychopathology and eating disorders, a reflection on the figure of the father in the hyper-modern era, and an analysis of the relationship between psychoanalysis and artistic creativity. Among his recent books, which have been translated into various languages, we highlight: Non è più come prima. Elogio del perdono nella vita amorosa (Milan 2014); La forza del desiderio (Magnano-Biella 2014); Melanconia e creazione in Vincent van Gogh (Turin 2014); Le mani della madre. Desiderio, fantasmi ed eredità del materno (Milan 2015); Jacques Lacan, vol. II: La clinica psicoanalitica. Struttura e oggetto (Milan 2016); Il segreto del figlio. Da Edipo al figlio ritrovato (Milan 2017); La pratica del colloquio clinico. Una prospettiva lacaniana (Milan 2017). 

Domus 1023 cover. Illustration The Blue Chemist

Michele De Lucchi (1951) studied architecture in Florence and moved to Milan at the beginning of the 1970s. During the period of radical architecture, he was one of the protagonists of the movement, alongside Cavart, Alchimia and Memphis. He has designed lights and furnishings for the most well-known Italian and European companies. In particular, Michele De Lucchi designed Tolomeo, the best-selling light produced since 1987 by Artemide. He was in charge of Olivetti Design between 1988 and 2002, and has developed experimental projects for Compaq Computers, Philips, Siemens and Vitra. He is the 2018 director of Domus, the first of 10 architects who will take turns in leading Domus over a period of 10 years, leading up to the centenary of the magazine. Andrea Branzi said of him: De Lucchi's kind of design is where new technology alternate without friction, governed by serene intelligence. We can define it as the riper fruit of the 'liquid modernity' described by Zygmunt Bauman in 1999 to designate modernity that takes on the form of its container."

  • Silence and Emptiness. Architecture. Astrophysiscs. Psychology. Domus at Planetarium
  • Michele De Lucchi (Domus director), Massimo Recalcati (psychoanalyst), Fabio Peri (director Planetarium)
  • 16th of April, 10 pm
  • Free
  • Corso Venezia, 57, 20121 Milan
  • Porta Venezia in Design
  • Lindt