Cepario is a space dedicated to the growth and research of bacteria that Estudio Felipe Escudero recently completed in Pifo, Ecuador, for Biosiembra, a brand founded in 2008 and specialized in the production of microorganisms benefiting from the highest biotechnological standards in order to reduce the presence of chemicals in crops. Circular in shape and divided into three different areas - storage, laboratory and lounge – that are organized around a museographic nucleus that informs about the functioning of bioseeding (an integrated and sustainable agriculture system), Cepario showcases the molecular transformation of agricultural residues into nutrients for other species.
The project was designed in a symmetrical way: on one side of the laboratory strains are analyzed and processed, while they are archived on the other side, in according with an architecture that follows and respects the company’s production process.
The lounge area is the space where ideas are incubated. From a sofa you can contemplate the entire valley and its nature whose cycle has inspired the activity and the project themselves.