Pareid, an interdisciplinary research and design studio founded in Bangkok by architects Hadin Charbel and Deborah Lopez, has created an immersive installation for the "Outside the box" exhibition at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Madrid, which reacts according to the dweller's sensorial input. Diorama (n) tic is an artificial habitat composed of three interrelated parts: landscape, sensors and actuators. This landscape that is populated by flowers, hairs and pistils, wants to be a sinuous and multiform living being who decodes the language of the human body by responding with its own. The sensors detect inhabitant’s heartbeat, sweating levels and facial expressions and the actuators respond with fog or color lights.
The project, which is part of the research conducted by Pareid on experimental manufacturing techniques, sensorial spaces, ecology and digital technologies, represents a further reflection on the relationship between man and architecture, object and space, issues that never have been resolved and are constantly mediated and negotiated.