The first experimental professional collaboration between Aymonino and Rossi, coinciding with their studies on the European city, was an attempt to represent a fragment of the city with its irregular forms and architectural languages, transposing them into a complex of low-cost dwellings and council housing.

This centrifugal accumulation of building materials, with the open-air theatre as its nucleus, is articulated in three eight-storey buildings, one of which is flanked by the long three-storey colonnaded structure by Aldo Rossi. After its completion in 1972, the intervention became an exemplary point of reference in the architectural and social debate on housing, which came to a head with the two occupations of the flats. The clearing out of the buildings on 4 May 1974, in large part occupied by architecture students, was an episode of urban guerrilla conflict that came to symbolise the housing struggle in those years.