13 Instagram profiles to follow right away

1. @madonnelettriche
If you go on holiday to remote villages on the Mediterranean coast, this is the profile for you. The notice board curated by Barbara Zilli is a shared mosaic of statues, paintings, illuminations and niches that make up the cultural atlas of pedestrian streets. By posting them in dm, you can also share your own photos and collaborate on iconographic research.

2. @therainbow_is_underestimated
The Rainbow is Underestimated is a narrative in sequence, a flow of connections, visual and semantic references by Italian photographer Piero Percoco. Focusing mainly on the Apulian territory – but not only –, Percoco traces vernacular imagery, from close-up portraits to dense summer beaches.

3. @interiorandfilms
If you’re short of ideas for evening entertainment or looking for art-house films to finally catch up on in your spare time, @interiorandfilms presents a rich overview of feature films with curated interiors and a selection of the best cinema lounges. This account serves as a platform for production designers, set decorators, filmmakers, interior designers, architects and film lovers.

4. @burialgram
The notice board collects in an aesthetic key – and with a touch of irony – photos of cemeteries from all over the world, arranging next to photos of marble tombstones now Egyptian statues, now piles of ruined material.

5. @pandinineipaesini
Born as a low-cost alternative to expensive off-road vehicles, the Fiat Panda – in its original 1980s version – is unlikely to lose its iconic value, now almost a manifestation of the economic prosperity of those years. @pandinineipaesini will take you back in time with shots of the “pandine” still roaming the streets of provincial Italy.

6. @notmypanni
Another atlas shared profile collects photos of cloths and sheets hung out in the street or on residential balconies. Between the colours and the tidy arrangement, this elementary domestic gesture becomes an artistic gesture through the shots.

7. @subwaycreatures
For those of you who prefer to visit underground environments during this summer break, the @subwaycreatures profile will guide you with the most unusual and funny people and episodes encountered during an underground ride.

8. @libribelli_books
Someone once said “never judge a book by its cover”, which is why Livia Satriano, an editorial and social media content creator, decided to create Libri Belli, a page on Instagram where she collects and shares the most beautiful covers of 20th century Italian books. These are selected according to what immediately catches the eye, from eye-catching graphics to illustrations to colour associations.

9. @dashaplesen
Moscow-based artist and mould enthusiast Daria Fedorova intervenes in natural decomposition processes, accentuating textures and colours and pushing the boundaries of science and art. The artist, who works as Dasha Plesen, laces Petri dishes with various bacteria and other organisms before inserting extra elements such as fluffy balls, sugars and other organic substances into the container.

10. @matthewstoneart
Matthew Stone’s dreamlike depiction of bodies allows a personal point of view on social relations, the concept of beauty and materiality to be told, using 3D modelling software. The works are executed following a complex method, the paintings on acetate are photographed and then manipulated within a virtual 3D space.

11. @grimes
Among musical artists, however, one of the most interesting social accounts to follow right now is that of singer and DJ Grimes. Combining 3D modelling worthy of Final Fantasy, fairytale photoshoots and postpunk aesthetics, the Canadian artist can be your dreamy break between dips.

12. @iconografiexxi
Not to neglect the pages of current affairs, Iconographies, 21st Century reviews the absurdities of 2021 left out of the mainstream media – from jihadists with Hello Kitty backpacks onwards – to recount the progressive fusion of real life with that of the internet.

13. @autogyniphiles_anonymous
We conclude the selection in the strange universe of memology with @autogyniphiles_anonymous, a profile as dense with irony as it is with queer self-determination.