Bunga is trained as a painter and his work, often temporary and provisional, brings an air of improvisation to an otherwise static space. As Bunga explained in a 2010 interview with curators of the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, "There is this frequent feeling that the places we intervene in can teach us much more than what we ourselves can give, or leaving this 'mental space' open to the circumstances of interchange in a researching process where the possibilities are infinite." With Bunga's title, however, no natural read, or readings, emerges from these possibilities. The viewer is left pondering which landscape is represented: political, economic, cultural, urban, or even pastoral?

With Bunga's title, however, no natural read, or readings, emerges from these possibilities. The viewer is left pondering which landscape is represented: political, economic, cultural, urban, or even pastoral?

Mimi Zeiger

On view through 22 April 2012
Curated by Corrina Peipon
Hammer Museum
10899 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles