Approximately sixty works, from Italian and foreign collections, public and private, record the artistic debut (1960-72) of Giulio Paolini, a conceptual artist and one of the leading figures in the international avant-garde movement. They are proposed in a one-man exhibition, curated by Germano Celant together with the artist himself, inaugurated this evening at Milan’s Fondazione Prada.

“The works in this exhibition” – says Paolini – “belong to the oldest period, we must call it, of my now long career, but this does not mean it merely traces the route followed: something in the cipher underlying the exhibition route seems to be outside of time (or out of place)”.

The core of the exhibition project is “Ipotesi per una mostra”, the installation conceived in 1963 – and never exhibited for practical reasons; today, Paolini has produced it as he had imagined it forty years ago. Around this is an anthology of works ranging from those of his first Roman one-man exhibition (in 1964) to those of the New York Sonnabend Gallery exhibition (in 1972) that first brought him international visibility.

From “Disegno geometrico” (1960) – in which only the preliminary procedure of the geometric square appears – to the tins of paint, brushes and canvases of pictures used in his work between 1960 and 1964: each work offers further confirmation of the Genoese artist’s interest, focused on the primary elements of the creative process and how it works.

29.10.2003 – 18.12.2003
Giulio Paolini
Fondazione Prada
via Fogazzaro 36, Milano