
Iñaki Abalos, curator of the Spanish pavilion, chose to use the analysis of interiors as a starting point for describing 20th century Spanish architecture.

Curated by Iñaki Abalos, the Spanish pavilion presents an investigation into the theme “Absorbing Modernity 1914-2014” by putting forward the notion of a particular continuity between Spanish architecture of the twentieth century and a variety of more recent projects.

While the emphasis on the external envelope has resulted in a standardisation of internal layouts that makes design into an eminently technical or exquisitely artistic fact, it is possible on the other hand to perceive an alternative course on the inside of Spanish architecture over the course of the twentieth century that starting with interiors, finds its own reason to exist. From this point of view a propensity is shown, also thanks to the natural coexistence of premodern instances including Arab and Roman that led to a particular use of materials and the accentuation of the spatial component related to natural light.

Interior, Spagna, Biennale Architettura 2014

Through a selection of public buildings chosen from recently completed works are presented designs that demonstrate a clear and well-documented adherence to this basic idea. Each is illustrated via a large-scale, human-size image that accentuates the three-dimensional component, taking the visitor right inside. Alongside, a large-scale line drawing – usually a section – and to support the curator’s thesis, archive images of Spanish works of architecture from the 1900s that support the examples highlighted by the individual projects selected.

Interior, Spagna, Biennale Architettura 2014

The space created by the installation surrounds the visitor in a visual continuity of projects and references and between one project and another, giving a heightened sense of moving from one building to another in a singular interior experience.

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Commissioner: Government of Spain, Ministry of Public Works; AC/E, Acción Cultural Española; AECID, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation and The Caja de Arquitectos Foundation
Curator: Iñaki Ábalos
Deputy curators: Enrique Encabo, Inmaculada E. Maluenda, Lluís Ortega
Location: Giardini

Interior, Spagna, Biennale Architettura 2014