Satyendra Pakhalé: Kayo

#111 For Fiam, Satyendra Pakhalé has designed Kayo, an all-glass extending table that vanishes during conversation eliminating the distances. #salone2015

Satyendra Pakhalé, Kayo, Fiam
In Man’s Fate (1958), Hannah Arendt says the table is necessary for conversation as people gathered around one can see and listen to the each other without eliminating the distance between them.

Satyendra Pakhalé, an Indian designer based in Amsterdam, has designed for Fiam an all-glass extending table that is literally and figuratively invisible, explaining that, thanks to this complete transparency, “the Kayo table disappears during conversation,” and distances tend to melt away.

The greatest innovation in this design is a patented metal mechanism, worked simply by a button, that revolves and takes the glass extension with it, increasing the length of the table from two to three metres.

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