California Topiaries

British photographer Marc Alcock captures the unique relationship between nature and California homes, which use plants as camouflage.

California Topiaries documents homes around California where the character of the building is special, because of a unique relationship with plants and nature.

At one end of the scale of lovingly crafted topiaries, that were thoughtfully paired with architectural details. A conscious aesthetic decision. At the other end there are buildings swallowed by nature. The plants functioning as camouflage for the home.

After moving to San Francisco from England in 2010, Marc Alcock became interested in photographing the visual differences between the two places. One of the big things that struck him about San Francisco, Los Angeles and the surrounding suburbs was people’s homes. Every house on the street has it’s own unique personality. The paint colour, the architectural features and nature all working together to form something completely personal to the owner.

Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>
Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>
Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>
Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>
Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>
Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>
Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>
Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>
Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>
Marc Alcock, <i>California Topiaries</i>

Marc Alcock is a British photographer now living in California. Much of his work tends to come out moving or traveling to new places. He has a background in design and art direction, so he tend to be drawn to the unique form, colour and texture of environments, and how they hint at stories beyond the frame.