Assemble. How we build

On show at the Architekturzentrum Wien, “How we build” is a survey exhibition of the work of Assemble, reflecting on society’s social, economic and political situation.

The Architekturzentrum Wien presents a world premiere with a survey exhibition of the work of Assemble: “Assemble. How We Build”. Assemble is a unique combination of social activation with poetic spaces, and environmental with economic sustainability. “The way we build and the relationships between how things are made and how materials are assembled is a reflection of a society’s social, economic and political situation” — as Assemble acknowledge. Their projects are prototypes for different ways societies can build.

"Assemble. How we build", exhibition views, Architekturzentrum Wien, 2017
Assemble, Yardhouse, London, 2014. © Assemble
Assemble, Blackhorse Workshop, Walthamstow, 2014. © Ben Quinton
Assemble, OTOProjects, London, 2013. © Assemble

  In the exhibition at the Architekturzentrum Wien, Assemble are making ten of their realised “prototypes” as large scale installations conveying a three-dimensional tactile experience. Videos, sketches and drawings, and other documentation show the interactive communal processes where the materials come together. Samples of the materials add a further tactile dimension to the exhibition.

"Assemble. How we build", exhibition view, Architekturzentrum Wien, 2017

until 11 September 2017
Assemble. How we build
curated by Angelika Fitz, Katharina Ritter
Architekturzentrum Wien
Museumsplatz 1, Wien