Thailand Pavilion

The typical rice farmers’s hat and the dragon-like creature representing the spirits of nature, carriers of water and fertility, give shape to the Thai pavilion at Expo.

“Nourishing and Delighting the World” is the key concept of Thailand Pavilion, specially designed to showcase the efficient and effective management to minimize the world’s scarcity of food, yet, generate an efficient agricultural system together with the strong culture and identity, and the innovation to produce and sustain the quality of food.

Thai Pavilion design has reflected in its key concept design adding Thainess with the innovation and technology.

Thailand Pavilion, “Nourishing and Delighting the World”, Expo Milano 2015

The architecture of the pavilion is the first thing that visitors will experience, and should reflect the theme of a Country’s contribution and its identity. For this reason, the pavilion, covering a total space of 2,947 square meters, has a form that is based on the center of the Thai rice farmers’ traditional hat, the Ngob. It exists only in Thailand, and has been used since ancient times, symbolizing an understanding of the land and local wisdom. In its architectural layout, another form adds to this nucleus, that of the Naga, that takes on the sinuous lines of beings or spirits of nature, protectors of springs, wells and rivers and the bearers of rain and fertility, also depicted in the heraldry of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

Thailand Pavilion, “Nourishing and Delighting the World”, Expo Milano 2015
Thailand Pavilion, “Nourishing and Delighting the World”, Expo Milano 2015
Thailand Pavilion, “Nourishing and Delighting the World”, Expo Milano 2015

Thailand Pavilion, “Nourishing and Delighting the World”, Expo Milano 2015
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
Area: 2,947 sqm