Almost too much has been said about Millennial Pink. Domus has also intercepted the trend back in time, and five years later, one thing is clear: it’s no trend. Everyone, from brands to designers, has at some time experienced the thrill of using this shade in their production. A positive virus with which to feel safe and protected, seeing as you can’t go wrong with Millennial Pink. It always seems to gain approval with its therapeutic effects. There is no point going over the history of the colour, which transcends eras and genres, the important question is how long it will last and why. It could be seen as a colour which comforts us in these “hard times”, which subconsciously makes up for a lack of collective affection, or perhaps instead it is a sign of optimism and recovery. Maybe the time has come to react and dedicate the same amount of passion to other hues. Bearing in mind that in design, colour is often overlooked, it would be better to treat it with the care it deserves. To keep one’s eyes in shape in moments of distraction, there’s always Blendoku to fall back on.