9.30 Inauguration Walter Mariotti, editorial director of Domus
9.40 Welcoming session Luciano Galimberti president ADI Museum
9.45 One year at Domus – Steven Holl, guest editor Domus 2023
9.50 Architecture and social– Mario Cucinella, Founder of MCA, curator of the Italian pavilion Expo Osaka 2025
10.05 It’s About Time - Saskia van Stein, Director International Architecture Biënnale Rotterdam
10.20 Public, private and third sectors testing urban regeneration. Massimo Valz-Gris moderates Maurizio Ambrosini, Sociologist, Università Statale di Milano; Andrea Chiesi, Director and Head of Special Projects, Chiesi Group; Sergio Urbani, General Director Fondazione Cariplo
11.05 The car in the urban landscape of tomorrow – Walter Mariotti intervista Paolo Loiotile, Head of Lancia Product
11.25 Temporal – Toshiko Mori, guest editor Domus 2023
11.30 Research, communicate, act! – Javier Arpa Fernàndez, urbanist, TU Delft, MVRDV
11.45 15-minute city – Carlos Moreno, urbanist, Paris1 Sorbonne University
11.50 Cultivate excellence without leaving anyone behind. Cities in search of a balance between inclusion and attractiveness. Walter Mariotti moderates Massimiliano De Martin, Counsellor for Urban Planning and Environment of the City of Venice; Elena Granata, Urban planner, Politecnico di Milano; Jacopo Tondelli, Co-founder and director Gli Stati Generali
12.40 The future of cities for the citizens of the future – Andrea D’Acunto, partner EY, People Advisory Services Leader
13.00 Greetings