Domusforum 2023: agenda

The sixth edition of Domusforum will take place tomorrow, November 30, at the ADI Design Museum in Milan. Urban planners, sociologists, key figures in culture and business will reflect on urban scenarios, trying to define a path towards a more equitable and sustainable future. Here is the official programme.


9.30 Inauguration Walter Mariotti, editorial director of Domus

9.40 Welcoming session Luciano Galimberti president ADI Museum 

9.45 One year at Domus – Steven Holl, guest editor Domus 2023

9.50 Architecture and social– Mario Cucinella, Founder of MCA, curator of the Italian pavilion Expo Osaka 2025

10.05 It’s About Time -  Saskia van Stein, Director International Architecture Biënnale Rotterdam

10.20 Public, private and third sectors testing urban regeneration. Massimo Valz-Gris moderates Maurizio Ambrosini, Sociologist, Università Statale di Milano; Andrea Chiesi, Director and Head of Special Projects, Chiesi Group; Sergio Urbani, General Director Fondazione Cariplo

11.05 The car in the urban landscape of tomorrow – Walter Mariotti intervista Paolo Loiotile, Head of Lancia Product

11.25 Temporal – Toshiko Mori, guest editor Domus 2023 

11.30 Research, communicate, act! – Javier Arpa Fernàndez, urbanist, TU Delft, MVRDV

11.45 15-minute city – Carlos Moreno, urbanist, Paris1 Sorbonne University

11.50 Cultivate excellence without leaving anyone behind. Cities in search of a balance between inclusion and attractiveness. Walter Mariotti moderates Massimiliano De Martin, Counsellor for Urban Planning and Environment of the City of Venice; Elena Granata, Urban planner, Politecnico di Milano; Jacopo Tondelli, Co-founder and director Gli Stati Generali

12.40 The future of cities for the citizens of the future – Andrea D’Acunto, partner EY, People Advisory Services Leader

13.00 Greetings

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