Winy Maas: “What's next?”

Watch the lecture of Domus' Guest Editor at domusforum 2019, dedicated to the future of cities: energy.

According to Winy Maas, from the future we have to expect “wonderfullness on all scales, from urbanism to toilets”. His lecture at domusforum 2019 started from Yuval Noah Harari bestselling book “Sapiens” to pose the question of the future of Earth.  But Winy Maas also listed the challenges that we'll have all to face, and which we'll have to solve in the next years: dramatic climate change, drop of resources, differences in income, social tensions, changing world orders and population growth. 

Winy Maas, urban innovator, is the current guest editor of Domus. He's co-founder and director of MVRDV,  global operating architecture and urbanism practice. Winy Maas is professor of Urbanistics and Architecture at the Delft University, where he founded The Why Factory, a research institute which investigates and proposes solutions for the future cities.