Architecture and design are disciplines that concern everyone

Watch the lecture of Domus’ editorial director at domusforum 2019, dedicated to the future of cities: energy.

Walter Mariotti, editorial director of Domus since 2017, in his speech during domusforum 2019, explained that the event represents basically two things. “On one hand, the interpretation of architecture and design, no longer considered as vertical disciplines that only concern professionals, but as real platforms, infrastructures”.

This first interpretation, tells director Mariotti, goes alongside the innovation of media models. In fact, they are facing the challenges of our time by giving those who follow them tools for the interpretation of reality. The second edition of domusforum, continues Walter Mariotti, reflects on the concept of energy, which Domus has tried to investigate through a research in collaboration with the ISPI institute.

The director then closed the morning of domusforum 2019 by reading an excerpt from Pericles’ famous speech to the Athenians reported by Thucydides in the History of the Peloponnese War, that talks about a “city open to the world”, in which foreigners are never driven away. And that ends with a peremptory “Here in Athens we do this way”.