Wonder Cabinets of Europe

During the 2013 ICFF, an exhibition showcasing the work and process of several young designers makes a stop at the Jacob K Javits Centre.

Top: Harry Thaler's installation for "Wonder Cabinets of Europe". Above: "Wonder Cabinets of Europe", installation view at the Jacob K Javits convention centre, New York during ICFF 2013

Curated by designers Livia Lauber and Maria Jeglinska, the exhibition is a visual study into the creative process. Lauber and Jeglinska invited six designers to join them in presenting their work and working methods inside a wooden cabinet, and the inaugural exhibition was presented during the London Design Festival 2012. The cabinets seek to offer windows into the designers’ minds, offering honest perspectives into the journeys they undertake and the conclusions they eventually reach, and visually evoke sixteenth century cabinets of curiosities.

Loris&Livia's installation for "Wonder Cabinets of Europe", ICFF, New York 2013

“We think it is important to speak about what shapes us as designers and one crucial element is the context in which we work," state curators Maria Jeglinska and Livia Lauber. "The projects on view, whether self-initiated or commissioned, began within particular contexts, with each designer facing specific constraints. A client (albeit an imaginary one) can play a determining role in forming a designer’s approach in the same way that a craftsman’s knowledge and skills can impact on the initial vision.”