The exhibition “Il corpo del reato: la reclusione”, showing at CACT_ Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino in Bellinzona, brings together works on the dramatical theme of the secluded body. A video by Artur Zmijewski (born 1966, Poland) entitled The Game of Tag (1999) is filmed in two rooms, one of which is a Nazi gas chamber, and presents a bitter juxtaposition between extermination and naked bodies. Jerusalem #1, #2, #3 (2007) by Valter Luca Signorile (born in 1965, Italy) is made with a cellphone. The artist himself is filmed while staging a pantomime of desperate gestures. 10 Men (2003) by Mark Raidpere (born 1975, Estonia) is a video featuring two men held in the Estonian prison of Tartu; only the top halves of their bodies appear in different poses. Technological means provide the inmates with freedom of movement and emotional expression. Silvia Monaco

Until 27.01.2008
Il corpo del reato: la reclusione
Centro Arte Contemporanea Ticino
Via Tamaro 3
6500 Bellinzona