The Melbourne-based design studio Typified has launched a Kickstarter campaign for a screen-printed poster that’s capable of showing you a daily weather forecast. 
The “Weather Poster” gets its information from the same sources used by our smartphone, but instead of showing it on a display, it turns on or off a few icons printed with a special conductive ink. The weather information is simplified-down by a small computer hidden inside the poster’s frame, which then lights up the proper indicator.
 The Weather Poster isn’t nearly as precise as your weather app, the icons take 15 minutes to “warm up”, and you will get only a very broad forecast. But it’s also cool, neatly framed, retro-looking and it gaps analog and digital in a quite artsy way. In one sentence: it’s the most hipster weather station ever. For a single poster one has to pledge at least 180AU$ (119€) on Kickstarter, with a July 2019 estimated shipping date.