
Launched at the Venice Film Festival, Somebody is a new messaging service by Miranda July that sends messages to the Somebody user nearest the recipient.

On August 28th Miranda July unveiled a new way to communicate: Somebody – an app created with support from Miu Miu, available in the iTunes store as a free download (iOS only).

When you send your friend a message through Somebody, it goes – not to your friend – but to the Somebody user nearest your friend. This person (probably a stranger) delivers the message verbally, acting as your stand-in. The app launched at the Venice Film Festival along with a short companion film, part of Miu Miu’s Women’s Tales series.

Miranda July, Somebody

Since Somebody is brand new early adapters are integral to its creation – the most high-tech part of the app is not in the phone, it’s in the users who dare to deliver a message to stranger. “I see this as far-reaching public art project, inciting performance and conversation about the value of inefficiency and risk,” says July. 

Somebody works best with a critical mass of users in a given area; colleges, workplaces, parties and concerts can become Somebody hotspots simply by designating themselves as on.

With Miu Miu’s support, July worked closely with designer Thea Lorentzen and a team of developers at the award winning Stinkdigital to create the complex, GPS-based messaging system. Half-app / half-human, Somebody twists our love of avatars and outsourcing – every relationship becomes a three-way. The antithesis of the utilitarian efficiency that tech promises, here, finally, is an app that makes us nervous, giddy, and alert to the people around us. 

Miranda July, Somebody
Miranda July, Somebody
Miranda July in <i>Somebody</i> (2014) dir. Miranda July, courtesy of the artist and Miu Miu
Athena Hunter and Lika Bosman in <i>Somebody</i> (2014), dir. Miranda July, courtesy of the artist and Miu Miu