General Director of the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci of Milan Born in Milan in 1955, Fiorenzo Galli has graduated in Economic and Financial Policy from the Università degli Studi di Milano. Officer of the Italian Alpine troops, he backs-up his entrepreneurial work with a past career in a family business in the electro mechanic sector.
Since 2001 he is General Director of the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci of Milan. Since 2004 he is Adjunct Professor of Contemporary Museology at the Università degli Studi di Milano and he teaches other regular and master courses in different Universities. Since 1983 he has served in different capacities in Confindustria (Italian Entrepreneurial Association) and Assolombarda (Association of firms in the Milan area), serving as a President of the lobby “Giovani Industriali” (Young Industrialists), member of the Executive Board and of the Presidential Committee, and member of the Board of the “Probiviri” of Assolombarda. Since 2003 he is a member of the Kuratorium of the Deutsches Museum in Munich. He is also a member of the National Committee for the 2019 Leonardo da Vinci celebrations (MIBAC – Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities) and of different other committees. Since 2020 he is a member of the Regency Council of the Milanese branch of the Bank of Italy.