Everything is ready for domusforum 2022

On November 17, the fifth domusforum will be held at the Cavallerizze hall of the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan: actors of transformation and the design community are opening a dialogue on the role of nature in the development of cities.

The 2022 edition of domusforum, the Domus event bringing together companies, institutions, civil society, academia and the design community to launch a dialogue based on critical thinking on the future of the city, is drawing closer. Realised in partnership with Edison Next, Hines, Pirelli and Fondazione Cariplo, this edition is gathering us around a crucial theme, the role of nature as an ally to be safeguarded in the development of urban civilisation. Fire, the energy that must embrace the paradigm of sustainability; Earth, theatre and source of resources requiring responsibility; Air, as tangible as a channel of communication and as an arena for the challenge to pollution; Water, source of life and guardian of biodiversity.

It is still possible to attend the forum live in Milan at the Cavallerizze hall of the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, by booking the last available seats at this page; the event can be otherwise streamed from the Domus website.