The entrance to the Teatro Franco Parenti is at 14 via Pier Lombardo in Milan, 500 metres from the MM3 station Porta Romana.  9:00 Registration and accreditation
9.30 - 9.35 Inauguration and welcoming session, Walter Mariotti, Editorial Director Domus 9.35 - 9.40 Greetings, Sofia Bordone, CEO Editoriale Domus 9.40 - 10.00 Presentation of the research by ISPI: L’energia urbana – cinque dimensioni per capire il secolo delle città, (Urban energy - five dimensions to grasp the future of cities), Tommaso Vincenzetti, Brand and International Director Editoriale Domus, Tobia Zevi, Head of the Global Cities Desk of ISPI. 10.00 - 10.15 Everything is Urbanism - Winy Maas, Architect, Guest Editor Domus 2019 10.15 - 10.30 Cities and Climate Change - Sandra Batten, Senior Research Economist Bank of England 10.30 - 10.45 Design's New Energy - Alice Rawsthorn, design Critic 10.45 - 11.30 Milan global city: institutions, finance and business towards a new urban paradigm. Speakers: Marco Alverà (CEO Snam), Umberto Ambrosoli (Chairman Banca Aletti - Gruppo Banco BPM), Giovanni Fosti (Chairman Fondazione Cariplo), Corrado Passera (CEO illimity Bank), Marco Tronchetti Provera (Executive Vice Chairman and CEO Pirelli). Moderator: Walter Mariotti 11.30 - 11.45 Leaving the Twenty-First Century: Excursions After Late Capitalism - Adam Greenfield, Urban Planner, Writer 11.45 - 12.00 Food: The Living Energy of the City, the Country and Planet - Vandana Shiva, Activist, President Navdanya Foundation 12.00 - 12.15 Gouvernance Urbaine, Gouvernance Rurale: les Défis de Notre Ére Planétaire (Urban Governance, Rural Governance: the Challanges of the Global Era) - Edgar Morin, Philosopher, Sociologist 12.15 - 12.30 Conclusions and goodbyes, Walter Mariotti