There's something inherently futuristic about wheels without spokes, probably because they are heavily featured in sci-fi movies. That's true when they're used on motorbikes, but even more so when they're employed on an electric pedal bike. Or, at least, that's what the Reevo e-bike seems to suggest.  The futuristic-looking wheels are connected by a black sturdy frame, while that battery sitting in the down tube can be easily swapped and charged in three hours. Along with an unusual hubless design, the, the Reevo e-bike also features a "triple barrier" anti-theft system, with a biometric lock, a manual integrated lock, and a GPS tracking system that will always show the position of the bike in the companion smartphone app. 
"Reevo is great for urban bikers, designed to be maintenance-free and brings a touch of class to your everyday rides. The user experience and design are equally important to us," says Alex Lim, CEO of Beno Technologies. 
The project is currently being funded on IndieGogo, where it has already raked in ten times more funding than the original pledge. The early bird price for the Reevo e-bike, reserved for those who preorder now through the crowdfunding campaign, is $1,899 plus shipping.