With the work of Enzo Mari and Bruno Munari, two designers historically linked to its tradition and its success, the company Danese will be at the centre of three exhibitions in Japan between January and March during the next year at Tokyo, Kobe and Fukuoka. The intention is to communicate as fully as possible the design path that Enzo Mari and Bruno Munari have taken together at Danese. It is also the legendary collaboration of the two designers with Danese which has been one of the starting points for a new era for Danese begun two years ago by Carlotta de Bevilaqua.

A path that has materialised in the Japan exhibitions, promoted by Kuwano Trading, to demonstrate the continuity between past and present. The exhibitions in Tokyo, Kobe and Fukuoka will show “historical” products and new items from the Danese 2001 collection and will cover a range of different products by Enzo Mari and Bruno Munari, including educational games and more recent highly artistic works, in which the Danese spirit can always be recognised.

Tokyo - Time & Style Galleria
dal 17 al 30 gennaio 2002

Kobe - Deux Cotes
dal 5 al 17 Febbario 2002

Fukuoka -Proposta
dal 1° al 14 Marzo 2002