For three months, Patrick Tuttofuoco (with film directors Mattia Matteucci and Damaso Queirazza and architect Andrea Pozzato) travelled around ten countries, stopping off at seventeen major cities. The aim of the trip was to focus attention on the places where only seven percent of the world’s population live but which have a decisive effect on the future of the planet.

After presenting his work at the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin (showing until 4 June), the Milanese artist has brought together notes from his travels – hundreds of images, as well as interviews, writings and emails – in a small book (published by Electa) that is to be presented this evening at 1800h at the Triennale in Milan. The presentation will be introduced by Domus editor Stefano Boeri.

24.5.2006, h. 18
Revolving Landscape
Triennale, viale Alemagna 6, Milano