H2O Bilbao

Patricia Urquiola has reinterpreted the Basque Kaiku for the ceramic pitcher produced by Bosa, that will be used in the Bilbao restaurants to serve tap water from the civic aqueduct.

H2O Bilbao
Patricia Urquiola has reinterpreted the Kaiku, an iconic artefact of the Basque culture, a multipurpose utensil made in wood used to milk and than inclinated, but also to warm up liquid with a hot stone.
It has been made in ceramic by Bosa and will be used in the Bilbao restaurants to serve tap water from the civic aqueduct, among the best waters in Spain, with a symbolical prize of 1€.
H2O Bilbao
Patricia Urquiola, H2O Bilbao, Bosa

Furthermore the Basque restaurants will be able to sell a special edition of the white pitcher H2O Bilbao. The proceeds will be donated to Oxfam Intermon to support the costruction of the artesian wells in Ethiopia.

H2O Bilbao will be available all over the world with the inside in white satin glaze and the outside painted with a mat copper finish.

Patricia Urquiola, H2O Bilbao, Bosa
Patricia Urquiola, H2O Bilbao, Bosa

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