AI is reshaping Google search as you know it: here’s how

At Google I/O 2024, the company introduced a flurry of new AI-based tools that will revolutionize how we search the internet and use our smartphones - but failed to explain how this won’t disrupt the web.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, this year’s Google I/O conference was entirely about AI. More precisely, Google detailed a series of new AI functions that could potentially revolutionize Web Search and how we look up information on our devices. The most important update is AI Overviews, which uses Google’s Gemini AI model to generate search summaries on the results page of Google Search.

It’s already out in the US and will expand globally by the year’s end. In addition to this, Google announced two new important projects: Astra, a next-gen AI chatbot, and Veo, a video generation model. These projects are significant additions to Google’s AI portfolio and are expected to bring about further advancements in AI technology. In our gallery, we've collected all that you need to know about Google’s latest AI announcements.

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